Plant Integration using the example of AVEVA 3D

UNITEC makes data transfer in AVEVA 3D possible
Data Transfer from AutoCAD
The customer of an engineering office requests the data transfer in AVEVA 3D. Problem: The engineering office is using AutoCAD and cannot offer the design data in AVEVA PDMS. However, the service is at an AutoCAD and thus can't provide the required format. A transfer of the planning data in a conventional format such as Microstation DGN is not in question, since important geometries then are only available as a wireframe without full shading and can not be used for a collision check or drawing creation.
Data Transfer from MCAD
In general UNITEC offers a data transfer in AVEVA Plant on
basis of 3D primitives and faces. When there is no BREP model available, the conversion can take place on basis of tessellated geometry. This has the disadvantage that the model is very cumbersome and that the drawing derivation contains too many lines. As a further option AVEVA offers the STEP-referencing which enables a more rapid visualization of the model with the drawback that user defined measurement points or geometry changes (shift, delete) are not possible.
UNITEC suggests the combination of both technologies for an optimal solution.
Benefits of our conversion solution
Instead of an incalculable risk through the purchase of new software and the know-how transfer to another system, the customer uses the intelligent interface of UNITEC for AVEVA E3D/PDMS. This allows our customers to continue working in their well known system. After the design work is finished the resulting data can be transferred to the desired target system. With our online conversion service we offer interesting conditions in a software as a service approach. We look forward to your inquiry.
Used Products
UNITEC AVEVA E3D/PDMSInterface (an AVEVA license is not required for data conversion)